I have design a vertical vessel. It has 2 stiffners rings rectangular section. The owner said us it has issues with corrosion. Then propose include 16mm holes each 500 mm in the rings to avoid water acumulation.
Now de don't know how validate-calculate a ring cross sección. That configuration it...
I have to design a vertical vessel with a half coil in part of the shell and head.
Process data indicate 10 bar and FV forma the vessel and coil.
The design code it's Asme VIII Div 1.
For internal pressure in vessel and coil there are equations to have vessel thickness due to both pressure. And...
Thanks SJEC, Tom Barsh and SnTMan !!
The construction STD for the exchager it's TEMA.
Then will not apply corrosion allowance to the "face" of the girth flange, following the parr.
RCB 1.515. The part of the semiconfinated gasket face inside de gasket it's exposed to the fluid bit, not al the...
Thanks SJEC!!
The flange wich i refer it's one of a main flanges placed at each side of the tubesheet in a TEMA AES heat exchanger.
The type of flange it's a welding neck flange with a semiconfined gasket (jacketed). Then the flange it's female with 5 mm machining thickness with a diameter...
I'm designig a aes tema heat exchanger.
I use a std pv soft for do it.
I've done a design without error messages in the design soft calculation repport.
One colleague has asked me if i take account corrosión allowance in the thickness of the body flanges.
The body flanges are calculated...
I'm designing a vertical BEM 1000x6096 mm - 2 passes HE.
Process guys gave me a Tema sheet of the exchanger showing a sketch with the nozzles fixed to the low head.
For me was odd but i performed the calculation with that arrange.
After i talked with a experieced colleague and he suggest me why...
In my job we use microprotol for PV and shell and tubes heat exchangers.
We use to make the mechanical calculations. If you want to make termic calculations (design previous to mechanical) HTRI is like a standard.
I work in the Mechanical dept. I only use this program. Usually it have...
I´m new using this program (microprotol).
I´m try to understad the report for a horizontal vessel with internal pressure. Various parts are based in a code o general practice.
But in a saddle analisys; when calculate "maximum primary membrane stress verification" for a "maximum longitudinal...