OP please take a look at GE's entry level Edison Leadership Development program. It's a great program. What you can also do is ask HR if you take that Technician role would you be able to apply to the Edison program. You should be able to do so. I know I work for GE but I'm probably at a...
So no answers to my question yet, I understand what you all have sad and very much appreciate the response. Can you all expand a little more?
What I am saying is that the load (EV) is the same load every time and most of the time the kVars are positive (inductive) and a few select times the...
Hi Everyone,
I have a power meter that measure PF, Real (kW) and Reactive Power (KVar), etc. Sometimes some of the meters measure negative KVars. I don't understand why some select moments there would be select measurements the are negative. The only downstream load is a electric vehicle...