Yeah I have identified the 1969 version with that text which gives a intention behind the number but not the scientific reason for «30». At least it gives some sort of an answer. But I guess it has not been challenged lately.
Thanks for 1.5 (equivalency). I actually did not see that! :-)...
Thanks LCREP for your quick reply!
Yeah your story of how it could have happend is exactly what I am afraid of. The reason why I ask is because reaching that target of 30 seconds is really hard (and costly) when you have big offshore innstallations with very large pumps (20seconds run up time)...
I work as a technical safety engineer in the oil and gas industry and are trying to find the reason behind the NFPA 15 requirement for effective water spray within 30 seconds after detection as this is very hard target to meet for big offshore installations with large fire pump (longer...