Yea they had an electronic trip hammer which counted the running total of blowcounts too, so they made sure to mention as we crossed every thousand. At least we were able to use a solid cone so we didnt wreck too much gear, as the material was relatively controlled as we didnt need to sample...
So the material was too dense and coarse for CPT, which ruled that out. We had a decent idea of the material and the variability of it as this was imported fill with lab testing. The main outcomes therefore were to attempt to prove the appropriate compaction lifts had been adhered to, there were...
At the moment, SPT testing and correlation with a water replacement test from a trial pit are on the cards. Looking into the possibility of adding downhole shear wave or MASW to confirm no soft spots.
Looking for any thoughts on proving compaction in granular fill material post construction. The site is an approach embankment, roughly 7m high, and due to insufficient testing during construction additional data is needed to ensure compaction targets have been achieved. The material is...