so, this is what i've been trying:
I divided the beam in half and at L/2 applied warping fixity (but free rotation) so now i just have 3 boundary conditions
for the left part:
phi'[x] - [E*Jw/(G*Jt)]phi'''[x] = Tm (2 (1 - b) x/L + b)/(G*Jt), phi[0] = 0, phi'[0] = 0, phi'[L/2] = 0
and for the...
that's what i don't understand. Warping fixity is pretty obvious, but why rotation fixity can be assumed at midlength in a half span model? i've seen that kind of solution somewhere but i didn't understood why that can be done.
"I'd study half the beam considering it to be torsionally pinned at x=0 and torsionally fixed at x=L/2."
the case i'm studying is torsionally fixed at both ends (phi = 0) and in two separate scenarios it can be warping fixed (phi' = 0) and warping free (phi'' = 0)
i've tried to divide...
hey everyone,
i have a channel beam under a linearly varying torsional moment
my question is:
given the torsion differential equation written as:
phi''[x] - [E*Jw/(G*Jt)]phi''''[x] = -[mx/(G*Jt)]
how must it be written for a load like the one in the attached figure?
in other words, what...
but if it applies the load on the node based on its position, it should work, because the value of the load on each node is determined based on the position of the node, am i right?
i can't be sure of that.
that is way i was trying to apply the load on the solid model, instead of on the finite element model. Then i thought that on the lines would be the best option
so you applied the loads directly on the nodes. that can be a good ideia.
Does the total force varies with the mesh density? even with this:
doesn't this assure that the load varies between 0 and 15000 on the scope from 0 to 7.645?
In reality that is a force load, as in fact it's not applied to an area, but as far as i know, ansys considers any distributed loads as pressure loads (applied or not to areas), correct me if i'm wrong.
it terminates the job without solving.
I've attached a skecth of the problem in the first post, it's a "box" with thin walls. I have surfaces and i'm using shell93 elements.
I'm trying SFL because it seemed to be the best option for what i need, which is to apply a triangular distributed load...
Thanks for your answer rick.
The first thing that troubles me, is that i'm not sure if the load is well defined, since the load list gives me the VALJ value for line 2 as the maximum value of the triangular load, when i think it was supposed to be half of it (am i right?)
hi everyone,
i'm trying to use SFGRAD to create a triangular load distribution on a set of lines, but i'm having some trouble.
the code i'm trying to work with is the following
where 7.645 is the length of L1+L2
in the...