Hey steve thanks for the info.Right now we are in the process of completing the hardness test and the results are quite ok.The client is very difficult to please and complain just about everything.So the bottom line is that we are just waiting to see the outcome of the tests and hopefully we...
Thanks Mr. Roberts for the reply. The joints in question are 2-24" butt welds (pipe).What happened exactly is that when the cycle was started both welds were taken up to 550 degrees and then the chart was put to start printing.Therefore when you look at the chart from the beginning all you...
yes thanks for the info but what I'm really asking is if you can PWHT 2-24", 1" thick butt welds and receive a perfectly plotted graph because this was done for me and people are sayiny that the tc wires were jumpered although looking at the joints it was completely burnt.
Hey what's up.I would like to find out if it is possible to PWHT 2-24" butt welds 1" thick and produce a graph without any deviations i.e. from start to soak to cool down and all the tc wires that were recorded were one on top of the other.thanks