You have to purge the tank or the container every month or two months one to make sure that you will not have any acunolate resdue in the bottom of the tank 2ppm is nothing in the Nitrogen and it will evaporate with gas.
No thet want to be tight metal to metal and it has no relation with torque or other and they do not believe to use the teflon tape while all the cylinder and gas manufactured they do use it even in germany before some years they used to use lead and they stop it
Does any body know why Shell recomends not to be used Teflon Tape on the threads of cylinders valves of Acetylene ,Oxygen and other Industrial gases I can understand not to use teflon on the diving cylinders but not in industrial even in the oxygen the teflon should be oxygen cleaned .
The plant will produce Argon if yes is it pure or crude
and the Nitrogen will be produce too?
There is many aspects to the cost depend on the manufacturer design so many plants now adays produce plants with low power consumption in your quistion 40000 ton per day may be only Lide has to this...