WPS Qualification: I weld plate 1 1/4 for cs. wps
Question #1:
QW 403.6 states the minimum base metal thickess qualified is the thickness of the test plate or 5/8 whichever is less. QW 451.1 table states: min. 3/16
So what is the min. thickness qualified on my 1 1/4" plate 5/8 or 3/16...
WPS Qualification: I weld plate 1 1/4 for cs. wps
Question #1:
QW 403.6 states the minimum base metal thickess qualified is the thickness of the test plate or 5/8 whichever is less. QW 451.1 table states: min. 3/16
So what is the min. thickness qualified on my 1 1/4" plate 5/8 or 3/16...