Hy! Ussualy, the stifness modification, due to damages is modelled by changing the geometrical characteristics, and not the modulus of elasticity, although in reality is not true. With, regards, Alex Popescu!
Hy! I think All three moments, M11, M22, M12, are developped in vertical plane (The conventional arrow ->> directed in horiz. plane), therefore you cannot make an equivalence between neither of them and M22 of the beam which acts in horizontal plane (The conventional arrow ->> directed in vert...
I also study this problem. I tried to use very small shells with very small bending thickness, additional to my real shells. The results seams allright but I don't really trust these kind of tricks, so if anybody knows a "legal" way of modelling pin connected shells, please write me.
Click on -Help-> Search for Help on .. (or pressF1) -> Content -> Basic Concepts -> Sign Convention -> SHELL Element : Here I think you will find everything you need!