one other thing, i was trying to find some info on the LM6582 but can't find anything, not even on national's website, is that the correct part number?
okay, i think i misunderstood exactly how the circuit was setup initially. from what i gather now your Ri is 10k and your Rf is the pot. this makes sense. so the amp hits the rails at 35% of the pots max 35k, at this point the amp is set up for a gain of 3.5. two...
okay i think i know what you're problem is, if i'm understanding what you said correctly.
now you said you're using a pot in the feedback loop of the amp? instead use a pot as Ri, this is a method that i have done before with a 741 and it worked fine all the way up to the rail voltage. if you...
well this is easier with a diagram but i'll see if i can explain it
okay your source(in this case 5V) is tied to your collector. now there is also a resistor that goes from the source to the base and one from the base to ground, thats your voltage divider. you'll have to check to see what level...