Thanks for tne feed back.
It is skid mount equipment. The vendor of the skid is suggesting that if area class is calss I zone 2 still secondary seal required and I don't agree to vendor comments as seconday seal has nothing to do with area class (i guess. Yes as you mentioned conduit seal is...
Hi Everyone
I am bit concerned about secondry seal. I am invloved in a project(Alberta-Canada) where processing/mechnical depratment is requesting me to add secondry seal on the electrical equipment. My answer to them is electrical can only provide secondry seal if the intruments is not being...
Thanks for the clarification. I really appreciate your help. Because of you people its way easy to do my job. May be one day i will return this knowlede(i'm gaining) to newocmers(just like me today).
Steve your response is much apprecited. So mist use TVSS on both ends. If you are confused why I wana use 4 pairs? 2 pairs will be spare(future).
djs is saying that i have to run #8 as well parallel to this #16 for grounding purpose as the flow meter needs to be grounded? is that what you...
Thanks steve for the quick reply.
Well FQIT(0-24mA) will be looped power and yes it is exposed to lightening, there are no other wires in the vicinity and this is the only cable that would feed from PLC to the production well flow meter which is 600 meter away from PLC.
I am still convencing...
Can somoene suggest me which cable can be used for feeding flow meter from PLC (24VDC). This cable will be burried from PLC to flow meter and the distance is 600 meters.
I was thinking to use 4pair #16 AWG with PVC jacket? Is PVC jacket is good for underground and do you think i have to worry...
Thanks I will request and recommend my US client to get 120VAC for controls. I really appreciate all of you sharing your knowledge in this forum with me. I am still new to EPCM industry and may pose question time to time here with a hope of getting answers in timely manner?
You guys amzed me. Thanks all. That was my first post and response time was excleent. Actually, the MCC is in USA and we are designing the work from Canada and after reading "dps"response I am certain now that in US there is possibilty to use 480VAC even for HOA switch.
I am still confused how...
I was creating motor schematics and suddenly found out that vendor is not providing 120VAC transformer so my question is if we don't have input 480 VAC transformer convert to 120VAC(output)then how we can use motor permissive and PLC input/outputs? as normally output realys requires...