All alloys have a melting point lower than that of the pure elements they contain. Just look at the Pb-Sn phase diagram:
Our hydrochloric acid pickle line for hot rolled steel sheet contains copper levels in the area of 30 ppm. Under certain (unknown) conditions copper is plated onto the steel sheet. What parameters can I change to prevent this?
We are going to look for the source of copper, but assuming you...
Depending on the application of this object you may also want to consider the degree of galvanic compatibility of the two metals you will select (assuming you care about corrosion).
Is the environment corrosive? Is the piece exposed to an electrolyte? Is there an electrical...
I can't find anywhere heat of fusion for any grade of steel. I'm interested in low and high carbon steels but any other grade would also be helpful.
I would appreciate it if someone could tell me where I could look up this information. Thanks
I know that angles, pipes or other objects can be used to separate consecutive grades of different chemistries at continuous slab casters.
I would like to know what other methods can be used to minimize mixing of different grades. It would also be useful to know what other objects are being...