The values in the table are from the ASME code. The code has a second equation that is best fit curve of the formula I am trying to solve. The values from that best fit curve are those in the table. They will not be exact. I have attached the mathcad file again but this time included the...
I am trying to solve for rho that is on both sides of the equation - shown below.
rho = tan(rho)*[0.5+(pi-beta)*cot(beta)]
Beta is a function of theta - theta is my variable. I know what rho should equal for given values of theta but when I run the program I do not get the desired result...
IRstuff - the first derivative does show a consistent value but I do not know how use that to actually calculate the point where it is no longer consistent.
What I would like to know is how do I calculate the point of deviation - is there a function in mathcad that does it for me or something...
I am calculating the stress-strain curve for a material and I want to find when the curve is no longer linear - aka when it enters the plastic region. I have the function for the curve and I would like to know how to find that point when the slope is no longer constant. I can take the first...
I have an error in my drawings where I have a section view of a large assembly and parts are showing up that shouldn't. The part that is cut is an assembly with a few sub-assemblies. I have included a picture below of a flange and a blind nozzle. The bolts in the flange should not be shown...
TheTick or DiegoLGraves - do you think I could get a copy of the macro DIMOVERRIDEFINDER.swp. It may not be what I am looking for exactly but it will give me a place to start.
Handleman - you are right, I am looking for a way for the macro to bring me to the problems but adding a star to the...
In a previous thread I started I asked how to find dangling dimensions in a very large drawing file and handleman mentioned that I can use a macro to find them. This leads to my next question - how do I write a macro to find dangling dimensions? I do not want the macro to automatically delete...
I have a large drawing document (60 plus pages) of one large assembly and many sub-assemblies. I changed a part in one of the sub-assemblies and when I went back to the main drawing file it asked if I wanted to delete the dangling dimensions. I don't want it do delete them, I want to find them...
I am trying to write a program that calculates the thermal conductivity of the material that I enter but it seems like I am having a problem with the temperature units and I was wondering if anyone here had an idea as to how to fix my problem.
I enter the data in a table and use cspline to...
Is it possible to run a mathcad file in another mathcad file? For instance, I wrote a sub-program and I want it to pull values from the top level program into the sub-program, run the sub-program, and spit out the result into the top level program.
Thanks rmix22, that answered my question. I am glad that you showed me both methods because I was unsure how to actually apply the while loop and the solve block. IRstuff - The solve block works, I just did not know how to use it until rmix22 showed me.
I am trying to iterate a problem that I have linked below. I want to find delta brgt and have it be accurate to 4 decimal places.. Do you guys have any recommendations?