Hi everyone.
I am looking for a journal that can measure the components of an assembly. The journal would need to process each component of the assembly and measure the solid body found on layer 1, obtain X, Y and Z values and assign them to the part attributes. I have found a journal that...
We are currently using the TEXT function in NX to create text on the face of a solid body. The text is used to number a series of holes which later gets engraved into the part for assembly purposes. I would like to have a way to automate this using a .VB journal. Does anyone have any examples of...
This is great I just did this to my part and assembly templates. The best part is that if you create 3 new planes with the correct orientation that you need, you can go into System Options - Feature Manager and hide the default planes so you don't even see them. It's like you did your own long...
...but it keeps returning the same values. Do you have any examples for "component space" to "assembly Space" This is the example I found.
'function taken from GTAC example
This is what I was trying to figure out before. For a group of selected components in an assembly I would like to be able to get a location for a named point. The location being within the assembly. Right now the area highlighted in yellow gets me the location of the point relative to the owning...
In the original journal that we created I pick the component and it writes a file with the xyz and rotation angles. Consider this as the finish location of the component. I want to add start location for the component within the same journal. The start location of the component would be straight...
I needed the positions of all of the components. For example Part 4 had 6 locations which were appended to the file. At the end of the file I needed to add some NC code but only once not one time for every part location. So I had it go through the components one more time leaving out the...
In the above NX journal is there a way to filter the selection of components to supply me with only the unique components. I am looking for a way to append text only once to the bottom of each file I created.
I found a good example on the Microsoft webpage for appending files. Thanks. Do you know where I can look at a sample for manipulating strings. I have strings like this 1234abcd1 and 1234abcd10 sometimes the text in between is longer. I need to end up with just the right end number 1 and 10. Thanks
Thanks. I think I will go through the list of chosen components and create the files. Then I will go through the list of components again and append the information to the existing files.