High Impact Polystyrene seems correct, thank you for that. When you say find a plastic molder, what exactly am I looking for? I see a lot of websites such as http://rebling.com, but there's no mention of shipping items to them to be duplicated, or 3D CAD services. So I guess my issue is I don't...
It is indeed injection molded, I was able to locate a mark on the bottom of the casing, I forgot the term, it may be ejector pin or something else, but it's obvious.
I sent the casing to a plastic supplier in my area to find out what it's made of. I was able to do some lighter tests, if I...
Is this made with injection molding or some thermoplastic process? I am completely new to plastics manufacturing and it doesn't seem possible that this part is made with injection molding because of the different appearance of the clear display window, vs the marbled resin looking edges. This is...