basically, you cannot do this by gravity (unless you could set up a siphon situation, which would be tricky to engineer/justify). even a siphon would probably not meet regulatory requirements.
pipe through the berm is the most common way, typically with a concrete structure within the pond to...
Thanks Bill for a great question, and thanks to Terry and Kevin for the great follow up! I've been at stormwater for a while and haven't quite grasped this subtlety 'till now. Having the documentary backup, along with engineering judgement and consideration of regulatory requirements is key :)
I remember one relatively small quake in Eureka, CA in the early '90's that really illustrated the P- and S- waves... (i was driving elsewhere in CA during the 'big' one in 1994, so didn't notice it at all when it happened).
I was doing the dishes in my apartment, and suddenly felt woosy (it...
If you have Civil3D
I don't believe vanilla autocad can do it.
In the one project that I've been involved with, the panels were ignored by the regulators - mainly because the total disturbance was less than the SPDES threshold, and overall runoff patterns weren't being changed.
I really appreciate seeing the MD guidance for future projects that will...
I attempted to obtain the UL Listing Report for a specific product using the stamped number on the UL-142 label. UL replied that the files were withdrawn over 5 years ago and will not provide any further information. I understand that there are many reasons for files to be withdrawn, and...
If you haven't, ask the railroad - I assume you'll be needing their signoff of your design. They should be able to tell you all that applies. Having never done railroad infrastructure permitting/design, I'm not sure what else would be applicable, but I would check federal/state requirements...
that's correct - if subject to local/state/federal stormwater permitting, you'll need a PE for the final submission. i recommend finding out exactly what you're required to do first - you may not even have to perform any analyses.
p.s. rainbarrels or a cistern are also often acceptable...
what are your local and state stormwater requirements? typically, construction/ground disturbances over a certain size (depending on location) are subject to requirements for:
[ol 1]
water quality (can be accomplished by raingardens);
water quantity (typically by detention); and
on another point, 94.33 cfs is only 0.03% different than 94.30 cfs, and the peak still occurs at the same time.
I would expect the end results would be darn nearly the same whether the triangular or interpolated hydrograph were used...
yes, to correct the final area in the report, split the HCAD file into two files - one for the existing conditions model, and then one for the proposed.
if you are comfortable editing the file by hand, you can edit it in NOTEPAD or any other text editor. otherwise, it would only take but a...