You don't want a geotextile all of which are permeable but rather a multiply laminate: Try Griffolyn in Houston TX if you are in that area.
Has anyone got a good way to beat the pencil pushers.
I believe that the Duke of Wellington was half right when he wrole to the Foreign Office in 1812, but since then Bureaurcrats seem to be regaining superiority
Regarding climate change, perhaps we should go back a year or two: W.E. Deming the Engineer who revitalised Japan said "It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory",
When one spends $10,000,000,000/day on an off-shore army made up to a large extent of reserve soldiers who are thus removed from the workplace will throw any economy for a loop. To retain that economy at the expense of its trading partners will throw the world finances into a loop.
As regards...
Have just found an interesting link to the Liverpool Overhead railway.
Do others have any links to elevated railways/railroads
SEC Chairman Chris Cox allowed naked short selling ever since he took up the position in 2005, as have all others before him despite the fact that naked shorting is illegal.
This was probably "necessary" to raise cash to offset the money drain in Iraq, which was also illegal.
But then the US...
A popular TV ad claims that their coffee "has removed the caffine and chemicals to leave the natural flavor"! When I went to school water (pure H2O) was a chemical, so what is the Ad telling me!
One thing is certain if it's desribed as a "Self-locking Internal Wrenching Nut" in a US Military catalogue you can expect to pay 100 times the hardware store price.
Given the unknown foundations and potential weak spots I'd suggest hydraulically slucing the old dam, using water cannon and building a new dam.
if the old dam is coarser than your new tailings then I would agree with placing the old tailings via spigots or cyclones to build the new dam walls.
A word of caution: when sizing the pipeline to a vacuum pump double the water (liquid) flow to get the correct pipe size, most people forget that the air has to move too. Using regular water flow rules at 6ft/sec will choke a vacuum pump.
Henry Maudslay born August 22, 1771, died 1831 UK mechanical engineer and "father of the machine-tool industry". His father was a mechanic in the Royal Arsenal at Woolwich and at 12 Henry was hired as a "powder monkey", filling cartridges with gun-powder. He left at 18, to work for Joseph...
The first step is to grind it fine enough to seperate the mineral to be recovered from the waste (gangue).
You then want to make the mineral hydrophobic (repelled away from water) and add air so that the minerals have something to attach to when they are repelled. This will also lift them out...
The planet is enjoying more mild and balmy temperatures, and the ice caps around the south pole had been diminishing for three summers in a row. So says Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of space research at St. Petersburg's Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in Russia.
However, he is not talking...
I don't know of any good "books" but you may want to contact the University of Calgary (in Canada) or see