Hi Guys,
thanks for your suggestions which does just what you say. But unless I am misunderstanding it, I still end up with a static angle that requires a few moves to complete.
I have to stop the rotation at the right angle and regen, then click the UNDO in the relation window to reset the...
Hi Mike,
thanks for the information that does more or less what I asked for.
However, the saved analysis displays the angle but does not live update unless I stop the rotate and regen.
This is probably because I am using WF3. Also it doesn't show the internal name, so I can't access it for...
I have connected a part to an assembly with a pin constraint and can drag it around the axis.
I need to know what the angle is that I am dragging it to, preferably while I am still dragging it.
If I use ROTATION AXIS in the PIN constraint, I can see the angle but I lose the drag and if I...
Hi all,
I am looking for some help with a PRO E problem. I guess what I'm asking for is:
"How do I get PRO E to give me the internal ID of an angle that changes as it rotates (as with a pin or cylinder constraint), so that I can
use it in a RELATION to change a dimension on a sub assembly...