I'm still using Excel 2000 and I'm trying to use a grid on a user form. From What I've seen online, a flexgrid looks troublesome, so I think the best is to use a spreadsheet control. Whenever I try to add a spreadhseet control I get the error message "the subject is not trusted for the specific...
I am trying to perform the same function on combo boxes on different forms. I have 2 string variables called ControlName & FormName (i.e. FormName = "frmSchedule", ControlName = "tboDate"). I can use the frmSchedule.tboDate.value and it works fine but I'm trying to assign the form and control...
I'm trying to gather information on files in a directory without opening the files. I can get the data on Word, Excel and other files with no problem. I can use DWGProps to get some of the AutoCAD data but it doesn't appear to work beyond AutoCAD 2204. Can I use summaryinfo to get the file data...
That's better, but I'm getting a line from the first picked point to the cursor. What I was hoping for is a rectangle like what you get if you invoke the ERASE command.
In a VBA program when I have the user select an area on the screen, I call the GetUserPoint twice (to get both points) and then call the SelectByPoints sub. Doing this, the user does not have rubber banding as they move the mouse from their first selection point to the second. It seems as if...
The ListView control is new to me. I looked it up and it looks like what I want to use. Unfortunately, the application (AutoCAD) crashes when I try to place one on the form and gives me an error message..
"FATAL ERROR:Unhandled Access Violation Reading 0x00a4 Exception at 3706f3dh."
I also...
I'm in Autocad 2010 which has Microsoft Visual Basic 6.5. I'm trying to add this to a form and I'd like to be able to add text boxes as required. I'm attaching a picture of the form I've seen that has what I want. I realize that VBA doesn't have all the capabilities that VB does. I will probably...
I've seen what I want in other programs but I'm not sure what it is. It appears to be a textbox with multiple rows and columns. I want to display 2 columns of numbers with as many rows as I need to dislay. A scollbar on the side allows the user to scroll to the position they want and change any...
I'm trying to add a layout tab to a drawing from a template.
I've already got it to create the drawing from a template
as shown below, but how do I add more layout tabs with the same template?
Here is what I have to create the drawing from the template
ThisDrawing.SetVariable "SDI", 1 'Single...
The coordinates don't tell me if the points are for lines or arcs so there is no way to tell if it is a corner or a rounded arc. Isn't there a way to do the LIST command and get the results from the command line?
I'm trying to find the length from one point on a polyline to another point on that polyline. The polyline is only made up of lines and arcs. The polyline.coordinates does not give me any arc information. The Autocad LIST command will give me the arc information but I can't figure out how the...
I'm trying to save some program data so that the next time I run a VBA program the form has some of the controls set as they were the last time it was run in that document. I know I could create a separate worksheet to store it but I'd really like it invisible.
In Word I can use...
That's what I've done, shown below
Public Sub ReplaceCarriageReturns()
Dim i As Integer
Dim L As Integer
Dim X As Integer
For i = 1 To 5
X = InStr(strATextValue, " & vbcr & ")
If X = 0 Then Exit Sub
If X > 0 Then
L = Len(strATextValue)
strATextValue = Left(strATextValue, X -...
That shows up in the text as
"this bit is text" vbCr "this bit is more text
and not breaking it down into separate lines>
Could it have something to do with the quotes?