In our project, for construction of crushed stone base layer the constituent aggregates are silicate but the constituent aggregates of first asphalt layer are carvonate. What type of emulsion we must apply, anionic or cationic?
In our project, supervisor wants to test waterproofing system on bridges(adhension of bitumen membrane and concrete) according to standard en13596, in situ in one of constructed bridges. But i think in this standard the test must take place in laboratory with specific conditions. Is any other...
...subcontractor who constructed a embankment. The volume of embankment is 78000m3 but i must pay to him the material that he excaveted. Material is sand-gravel with MD(proctor) 2,2 t/m3 and loose density 1,67t/m3. So how much he excavate. He wants 78000*1,3 but i think is too big this value. Thanks
i would like help to solve this issue.
I have 78000 m^3 compacted soil (gravel and sand)from river deposit (embankent construction). Max Density 2,2 t/m^3
and loose density 1,67 t/m^3. I would like to find the uncompacted material that we excavate from borrow pit.
i suppose silt. This standard is not saying anything.Also strange is that between values 20% and 30 % what is the soil. For these reasons i 'm asking help. It is the first time i read something like this. I know Sand Equivalent as a test for crushed aggregates (base- subbase - asphalt and...
i would to ask if anybody knows about correlation between sand equivalent and plasticity index for soils. In Serbia there is a standard(JUS U.B1.040) that writes:
if EQS=0% soil full in clay
if EQS=100% soil without clay
if EQS >30 % soil no plastic ?
If EQS<20% soil plastic ?
Thank you
Thank you Hoaokapohaku for your answer.Yes , the mix is produced and we have discussion about the percentage of bitumen that we must have after extrcaction test. The bitumen content is reported as a percentage of the total weight of the mix . We put 56 kg bitumen plus 8% Selenizza. What result...
thank you deehsmar for your answer
yes, the optimu bitumen is 5.6%. My problem is that the supervisor thinks that additive has inside bitumen (>50%), after the extraction test, we must have bigger value than 5.6 %.
if anybody has experience in the use of this king of additive, i would...
In our project, is used to asphalt wearing course bitumen 50/70 percantage 5.6% in agr. and as additive natural bitumenin percentage 8% in bitumen.This natural bitumen has melt point >180 celcious, asphaltene content more than 50% (rest sand) and is added in the mixer. my question, whta...
As i know and we are using in my country, prime coat only on crushed stone base and tack coat in previous asphalt layers. Together i never use it.
I hope that help's my answer
40mm is 100 % next 32mm 80-100% and 25mm 70-95%. The strange is that with other aggregates (crushed river material) and the same mix design (bitumen content)the results are ok.
I tried trial mixes with 3.8%, 4.0, 4.2 and 4.4
The better results were with 4.0%. Stability 12kn(limit>9kn) flow 4.5 mm(limit 2-3 mm). Mashall SG 2.444 air voids 5.6(3-7) The layer is asphalt base and the specifications of the project have limit of bitumen content 3.5- 4.5 % for this layer. The...
i have one problem with Marshall values in asphalt mixes. I have all the values of the mix desigh very good except the Marshall flow. The strange is that the stability values are very good but the flow values out of limits. The aggregates are all crushed limestone and the bitumen content 4,0%...
We have in our specifications for the asphalt works the value marshall rigidity. This value is the result of Marshall stability/ flow and must be more than 250 for base course and more than 300 for binder. Because is the first project that we must check this value could somebody to give me more...