...Now the problem is that, if I use general contact, very often I see a few nodes will penetrate outside the container. If I use contact pair with *clearance option, fewer nodes will do so, but still there are some nodes penetrated through the thin-walled container, and goes outside, which is...
From a natural frequency extraction procedure, there's also report on "participation factors". Could someone give me a hint what this is, and possibly point me to some reading materials? Thanks very much,
...Now the problem is that, if I use general contact, very often I see a few nodes will penetrate outside the container. If I use contact pair with *clearance option, fewer nodes will do so, but still there are some nodes penetrated through the thin-walled container, and goes outside, which is...
I took my vibration courses but I didn't know about the "participation factors" in a "natural frequency" extraction, e.g., from finite element analysis. Could someone point me to some reading materials on regard of this? I tried to google for answers, but not satisfied with what I...
I am using variable mass scaling, "below min" option in my explicit dynamic simulation. As I observed from the .sta file, the percentage change of the mass is always increasing. My understanding is that after every, say 100 increments, abaqus computes the mass scaling for some of the...
My model is a rigid body container (a thin wall) with deformable body inside. Running explicit, I frequenty have the overclosure problem. Abaqus tried to adjust the nodes cooridinates on the slave surface (the deformable body surface), but still there were unresolved initial overclosure...
I know in abaqus website that the supported Sun Solaris platform is Solaris 8. Could anyone tell me if Solaris 9 is "accidentally" supported as well (I mean, you can still somehow install it, and it works)? Of, if Abaqus is planning to support Solaris 9 as well? Thanks a lot!
Actually, our material is non linear: we used hyper elastic materials. So strain and stress are not linearly related.
Yes, our geometry is complex: It's a human head (brain/skull). But I would very much like to learn more about how to partition it to hex meshable regions. Done in...
Hi johnhors,
Yes, I am aware of why tet10 has more than one integration point, and I am aware that these elements are not good for stress precidtions. However, (fortunately, and luckily) we need to predict the strains and displacements instead of stress values. Also, my problem is a dynamic...
Could someone explain to me how I should report values (e.g., maxPrincipal nominal strain values) for a particular element? I noticed that for C3D10M element, there are 4 integration points, and each has a certain value. How do people normally report? Average across these 4 values...
Could someone tell me if abaqus node/element numbering could affect abaqus simulation efficiency, and why? For example, one part has numbers from 1 to 100, and a second part has numbers from 1 million to 1 million + 1000. Would this affect abaqus efficiency?
Also, in Patran, there's...
I am using Patran to auto mesh 4 parts that are in contact with each other. They have some coincidental surfaces, patran detected that, and I chose to create duplicate surfaces. I assigned mesh seed on the surfaces by part, and because some surfaces are coincidental, if I assign mesh seed...
I am using Patran to auto mesh 4 parts that are in contact with each other. They have some coincidental surfaces, patran detected that, and I chose to create duplicate surfaces. I assigned mesh seed on the surfaces by part, and because some surfaces are coincidental, if I assign mesh seed...
Right, thanks for the clarification.
My Unix machine is with Solaris 9 OS with 6G RAM. However, I was told that the maximum RAM addressible is 2G, and if I need to address a larger space, need to go back to Solaris 8. Is this true? Thanks!