i was designing a simple footing under a column using SAFE.
Loads are vertical force T and a moment M.
in comparing with manual calculus, the soil pressure obtained are correct. But i found a problem with the moments strip diagrams. i found it illogical since the diagram has a...
i am a beginner in this,
we have excavated 4m of land , we have obtained clay soil with no water table signs.
i know that clay absorb water, so when calculating earth pressure on my basement walls , do i only consider saturated soil density or i must include watertable effect + effectif...
in fact i do not have any problem with load cases and combinations.
My only issue is the length of the pool (40m)and if i need to make a joint or thermal consideration
i have to model a slab supported on its edge on walls.
the model is made on SAP and of course a negative moment is created in slab at support .
i would like to make the connection between the slab and the wall released for bending so that no moment transmission happens and the slab act simply...
Dear CELinOttawa,
the site is in a mid-area between sea and mountain (average Mediterranean weather) but as you said, the soil is clayey expansive one for which we will do some treatment (strong compaction and base course fill underneath rafts).
Any advice?
Dear CELinOttawa,
i have made cyclors and treatment stations tanks design, in which i considered thermal gradient effect with no joint at all. however, i was wondering if i have to make the same for a ground pool.
i am planning to model it on SAP, as a raft and wall with all the possible...
i am designing a 40x25m swimming pool on ground.
1. Do i have to create any kind of joint in it (40m) ?
2. Do i have to apply thermal gradient effect
3. What are the approximate dimensions of the raft and walls from your experience for such pool knowing that water height is 80cm...