Hi All ,
Would anyone happen to know the best etchant to use on cmsx4 supralloy for optical microscopy, i seem to be getting a slight over etch and pooling around the
edge of the sample using general nimomic etchant?
CF4 0.80 ltr/min Hydrogen flow 5 ltr/min for an hour @ 1000cnot sure there is amy water to ermove as the prior argon purge will remove any atmospheric water?
We are tyring to clean surface oxides from nickel nased superalloys using thermochemical cleaning ovens using cf4.
We are struggling to remove fully the oxide films using a 1000c fro 1 hour cycle . Any ideas?
The argon is 99.9% pure, it runs pre and post run, the reality is if we repeat/extend the cycle time or temp we cause tantalum/chromium carbide precipitation and this fails for that reason whilst still not removing the oxides from the cracked surfaces.
Hi trueblood,
no water just hydrogen and cf4 and argon purge,
the parts are coming off wing and the cracked aerofoils are littered with okide clusters on the surface of the cracks
sorry should have been more expansive, this is normally cracks in engine run aerofoils that we are thermochemically cleaning in preparation for brazing
We are tyring to clean surface oxides from nickel nased superalloys using thermochemical cleaning ovens using cf4.
We are struggling to remove fully the oxide films using a 1000c fro 1 hour cycle . Any ideas?