Hi IRstuff,
I set my origin in work sheet options to 1 for all of my calculations. Unfortunately I picked a different template when I cut the calcs out of my main document to uploaded and did not adjust the origin. OOPS.
You have, as you pointed out, solved my problem. I had looked at the 2...
Hi ORstuff, Attached is a file of the problem.
Hi Guys,
I have a vector and are trying to multiply it with the Tan of another vector and cannot get it to work correctly. The answer I get is the first value in one vector multiplied with the Tan of the first value in the second vector repeated in the answer vector rather than different values...
Hi Guys,
Does any body have a formula that I can use to determine the deflection of a cable due to a load applied horizontally a set distance from one end. The cable is hanging vertically and has been tensionned. All of my searching results in formulas for catenary type cables that are...
Hi sparweb, thanks for your reply. We are unable to permanently attach anything to the cable as the trolley that we need to arrest in an emergency situation is also some times required to be able to travel past the stop point.
Hi dhengr thanks for your reply. We intended to use a small geared motor to drive our stop into position on the cable and then use an electrical actuator to pre load the cable clamp ready for action. In the unlikely event of an emergency the trolley that we need to arrest would hit the top of...
Hi Guys,
We need to design a small electrically operated unit to clamp and unclamp onto 12 or 14mm diameter 7/19 IWRC stainless steel cable and act as an emergency stop. The unit will need to be clamped and repositionned at the same point on the cable many times a day so we must not fatigue the...
Hi Guys,
I Have a problem where I have a vector with 8 rows and need to divide it up into 2 different groups.
Group no.1 contains lines 0,3,4,5,&7 while Group 2 contains lines 1,2&6.
I need to use the vector quanties in a range of different if & min/max functions further down the page.
Hi I'm using an if statement with vectors and had it working perfectly. I then changed the f corr value in my attached example from a scalar to a vector.
I then had to change the A`1n and the A``1n formulas to include vectorise operator to make them work.
The Rein built n x equation does not...
Thanks guys I have got this to work. I used the test 2 option of Peters recomendation and it works a treat as I required a vector output. Thanks also to jghrist for your input.
Hi Guys thanks for the answers. I still cannot get this to work. I have tried examples like yours and they work fine.
I did discover that one of my values that I thought was a vector was actually a scalar number.I have a min function above comparing a fixed number and a vector and I had assumed...
Hi Guys, I need to use an if statement and one of the inputs is a vector and I cannot get it to work.
I have an equation like this
Z:=if(C*D > min(A,B),min(A,B),C*D)
Where C and D are both vectors.
The message I get is that they need to be scalar quantities. I have tried converting A & B into...