Our utility is looking into using small generators (500kW or 1000kW) to pick up portions of distribution circuits (12kV). The main utility 12kV source will be disconnected.
The generator will be connected to a step up 480V/12kV transformer.
The vendor provided a spec sheet for the generator...
The generator has its own protection and there is a recloser protective device on the high side of the transformer to protect the line.
The generator has an AVR, and can sustain short circuit current at about 300% of its full load for about 10 seconds per the spec sheet.
The 12kV will only be fed from the generator. These are temporary configurations to pick up a portion of a circuit only while work is being done isolated on another part of the circuit.
Hi everyone, I'm a little confused on this topic and hoping for some help.
We are going to be putting a synchronous generator on 480V to temporarily carry a 12kV circuit via a step-up transformer.
So the set up will be: Generator @ 480V -> Delta-Wye Grounded XFMR -> 12kV circuit.
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