We're getting kinda far astray here.
What I wanted to know is if anyone knew how a Regulator for a 3-phase Alternator with a wound rotor worked internally. The one I'm interested in works by turning the voltage/current to the Rotor on/off to control the Stator voltage. I want to know how it...
Since I'm new here, and that list goes on forever, would you, please, point out my specific transgression on my post? I'm really sorry that I did something in error here.
First off, most of the newer bikes DO have three phase Stators and, while some use Permanent Magnet Rotors, the ones I'm trying to deal with have BRUSHES which means a wound rotor. While it might be illuminative to read about the old mechanical regulators, I don't know that the electronic...
I don't know if this should be here or in the Electrical main section but here goes. On a motorcycle website, we are having a vigorous debate on the Battery and Alternator/Rectifier/Regulator problems. To be specific, we have an Alternator that has a 3-phase stationary Stator and a wire wound...