Well,after some thought weather it's worth a more complicated solution at this moment, i've chosen to do exactly how IRstuff has shown.
Basically , every column represents a class with it's coresponding parameters. This is enclosed in a region i hide.
Edited the script for the ListBox just so i...
Thank you all for the replies.
This is what i was doing until now, but the parameters never change.
As for option b), i'm currently experimenting with CSV files, and what i've learned is that i would need to define a csv for each class (not a problem), however excel or csv, i seem to have the...
Hi there,
I am trying to optimize my work as a structural engineer, and create a file that has reduced input on my behalf.
I am currently looking for a solution to the following problem :
-I want to select the concrete class used (figured using a listbox ) ex: C12/15 , C16/20 , C20/25 etc...