Dear Pipers,
This may be a simple problem for the you expirienced pipe stress analysts but I got me buffled for a bit.
I have 14 in pipe supported on a base spring support through a shoe. I would like to model the spring support and a shoe that is welded on to the pipe. I still have to select...
I do not have any specific concerns with the location, I just was not sure with if there was any code requirements or issues anybody has ever delt with on similar issue.
Thanks for your reply very much appreciated.
Would anybody help with recomended setback for CO2 gas tanks from buildings. There are two gas tanks about 55ft long and 8ft diameter. These will be installed outside a water treatment plant.
Any help will be appreciated.
The method presented above applies to any type of fluid. For dry products like pellets the only important thing the non-settling velocity that you can calculate easily by using the Stokes formula:
where Vs-settling velocity
Rs- is the density of the pellet
Rm- is the...
The Fritzche's equation is always better because it takes into account the compressibility of the steam gas.
This book is a good source...
ISBN 007 144090 9
In pipe flow you only need two know of these three and then its its easy to calculate the third one.
Flow, head and diameter.
In this case i assume you have the head (pressure loss or you know what head your fan or compressor can develop).
The procedure is:
1) Calculate this...