Hi, Drej,
I found out that the spring2's force and relative displacement: S11 & E11 are for *el print only (writing to .dat). The *element output does not support them to be written to .odb. That's where I encountered problem. I was hoping to plot the spring2 force and relative disp contour...
The S11 is just what the manual said for the spring2's force output (on page 17.2.2-2 in analysis user manual vol.4, version 6.4). On the same page, it also put E11 as the relative displacement across the spring, which does not look right either. I was wondering where in the manual can...
Thank you. I assigned s11 to the spring2 to get force output, according to the manual. But it didn't work. I've tried to find the right output variable for this element, but no success. Can you advise? Thanks again.
I am using spring2 elements for connecting two structures in my model. Can anyone tell me what output variables I can specify for its element forces, and what are its element elongation output variables? Thanks.
Hi Corus,
Thank you. The reason for my second question is that my pc doe not have fortran compiler. I was thinking submitting my abaqus job (with my subroutine) to another computer where I borrowed an account from my friend, then getting the wanted obj file and transferring it to my pc for...
Hi Corus,
Thank you for your advice.
Here is an excerpt from abaqus online document 24.1.1:
"One or more user subroutines can be included in a model by using the user option on the abaqus execution procedure to specify the name of a FORTRAN source or object file that contains the...
I am using abaqus with user subroutine on my pc which has no fortran compiler.
Can some of you tell me can I compile my user subroutine on other computer that has fortran compiler, then get the obj file from there, so I can eventually run jobs with it on my pc?
If yes, how to do it...