I feel stupid. I can't believe I forgot about statics 101. What got me off on the wrong track was that I was getting .6-.7 Lbsf at one point with springs that were supposed to yield .5 each. Perhaps something was off with the spring deflection angle. If I had gotten .4-.5, I would have known...
I've worked up a sketch, but I'm not sure it's necessary. Today, I used two springs which were supposed to give 3.0 " lbs of torque at 90 degrees deflection. Working together, I expected to get a reading of about 1.7 Lbs f on a force reading device using strain guages. The arm length of the...
I will work on a sketch and the actual spring configuration as soon as I can. This problem has me perplexed and I greatly appreciate all of your discussion.
Chris P
Imagine you could put a coil torsion spring in place of each of your shoulders. One leg of each spring would act against your collarbone (fixed) and the other leg of each spring would act against your adjacent arms (moving). The springs would be trying to keep your hands together, effectively...