Sorry, I forgot to include my thoughts. Also, see the video at the bottom of my last post.
Add Exhaust Port 25 A LOT of you pointed out that there was no exhaust port. I was hoping that enough would slip by the piston, but I think you are right. I will drill a hole in the cylinder at the...
@BigClive - The inlet valves are piston-timed. They are not right at the cylinder, but my thinking is that the explosion presses against inlet valves, no matter where they are in the system. If the valves are closed, the explosion has no choice, but to push the piston. I control the...
@BrianGar - Thanks. I can add a 1-inch to 1/2-inch copper pipe reducer, just like on the cylinder head, to guide and stabilize the conrod. I will also drill a few extra holes in it to make sure it does not cause any back pressure as the piston is coming down.
@Hydroman247 - I see. Like a diesel engine. I don't think I have near the compression I need for spontaneous ignition. Maybe. My spark seems to work ok, though.
@moon161 - Thanks. I had hoped there would be enough exhaust slipping past the piston, but I think I will have to drill a 2-cycle-style port in the side of the cylinder, at the very end of the stroke. Seriously, you think I could get this going without a spark? How would the oxy-propane mix...
Wow. I never thought I would find a forum like this. This seems a perfect fit for my project. I am building an engine from scratch, using only off-the-shelf parts from a hardware store, and without using any power tools beyond a drill, saw, and sander. I have gotten pretty far, but would...