Dear NozzleTwister,
Thanks once again for your valuable suggestions!
I am currently working on FPSO project. I am carrying stress analysis in most conservative cases. Further the hull deflection was calculated based on worst offloading volume which is creating high bending moment and that is...
Dear Nozzle Twister,
Thanks allot for your expert comments!
Project ask to use latest code for the calculation and we got confirmation from client too to use latest edition on B31.3 if we have stress problem. The design have enough flexibility but the hull deflections are very high, which is...
Dear members,
I need your expertise opinion for subject issue.
According to ASME B-31.3 edition 2004, we are allowed to increase stress reduction factor (f) value from 1.0 to 1.2 for the material having specific minimum tensile strength less then 75 ksi & cold & hot allowable stress is less...