I am looking for protective coatings for LCD applications. These coatings have to be able to withstand the following two post processing steps: (1) Sputter overcoat of SiO2 and ITO where temperatures reach as high as 300 C IN VACUUM for about 5 minutes, (2) ITO etching step where the coating...
I am working on developing a new product which needs a barrier or protective layer coating for a high transparency optical (LCD) application. This barrier layer needs to withstand 300 C temperature for a few minutes in vacuum in a post-processing step, and 30% HCl at room temp during another...
Our company interested in developing wet coatings processes. Our coatings are single layer, 4-10 microns in thickness (wet) and our product specs dictate that we can not use spin coating or any of the vacuum coating techniques. That limits the choice to slot type coaters, roll coaters, or...