Spectral response acceleration % of g
.2 sec 105
1 sec 34
I will recommend new foundations however based on the IBC 2009 and the above seismic data how can I calculate the seismic resultant lateral force?
How to calculate the seismic lateral reaction of a cantilever hollow concrete block partition wall.
Seismic data:
Spectral response acceleration % of g
.2 sec 105
1 sec 34
Thanks for comments.
I can only anchor the wall at the bottom (over the concrete slab on ground). I'm thinking to anchor reinforcing steel #3 using Hilti Epoxy RE-500 with 2-3/8" min embedment. Gives approx 2000 pounds in tension.
*Revising the shear claculation based on comments.
I have the task to design a hollow concrete block wall. The purpose of the wall is a partition wall. The wall will be installed over a concrete floor over ground. The owner of the building indicate verbally that the floor slab is 4” thickness and 3000 psi. The wall will be 10 feet height and...