Sure! ...and no problem. Unless there's a way to program the operation to output a different reference set name, I think we're pretty much stuck. You can change the name, but then the mirrored part is forced out-of-date and fails the quality check. Then you bring the part back up-to-date and the...
It is done in NX within the Assembly module... Under the Assembly Navigator, if you right-click the "Descriptive Part Name" box, make sure the WAVE selection is checked and then you can right-click on a component/assembly in the tree and highlight WAVE and then scroll over to "Create Linked...
We're using the "Create Linked Mirror Part" command which allows you to create an all-new mirrored part of the original (great for LH/RH parts on a vehicle, that you know are to be perfectly symmetrical of each other), however when you do this, it creates an additional Reference Set in the...
Any feedback? The only reason I cannot get a part to pass in a data-quality check is because of the name of the Reference Set that is pre-determined...
Some topics have arisen at work regarding WAVE Geometry Linker, how WAVE links interact with Reference Sets in NX, and the eventual implementation and storage of WAVE-mirrored parts in Teamcenter...
Are Reference Sets able to be outputted as a specified name prior to WAVE-mirroring? The...
Some topics have arisen at work regarding WAVE Geometry Linker, how WAVE links interact with Reference Sets in NX, and the eventual implementation and storage of WAVE-mirrored parts in Teamcenter...
Are Reference Sets able to be outputted as a specified name prior to WAVE-mirroring? The...