There are vessels which fall outside the scope of the ASME code. If you refer to the Scope in ASME Section VIII, Div 1. para's U-1(c)(2) to U-1(j). These sections will tell you what is outside the scope and therefore if the vessel you are building is a "pressure vessel" or...
The best thing you can you could do in this case is contact the jurisdiction where the chiller is going to be installed. If you go to the National Board website at you will be able to get the name and e-mail for a jurisdictional contact. Each jurisdiction is...
The definintion of back pressure is in the Canadian Plumbing Code as "means pressure higher than the supply pressure". As an example a water main into a 5 story apartment buliding. The municipal pump pressure falls and there is no backflow prevention on the building the result is that...
We had our final job meeting on this today and decided that by doing calculations for the nozzle we would now be governed by UG-37, and therfore UW-14(a) would apply for the weld. By not taking the exemption from calculations granted in UG-36(c)(3) the paragraphs UW-14 (b) thru (c) no longer...
MarcoE I really appreciate both you and prex responding to this question. To clarify the issue somewhat, the reason radiography is not something we want to do is because its a small shop which would have to contract out the work. The added expense is not something they are comfortable with, so...
A 1" nozzle meeting all the requirements of UG-36(c)(3) is exempt from reinforcment calcs. However, if you wish to put this nozzle through the long joint of the shell you now must meet the requirements of UW-14. Am I forced to meet the radiographic requirements of UW-14(b)? As an option can...