I have an application where a crane pad is recommended on a site that has an embankment fill overlooking a tidal bay. The embankment is about 10 feet in height. For a slope stability evaluation, is anyone aware of documentation that supports a recommended minimum factor of safety against slope...
To follow what you are saying, there is more opportunity for bedrock relaxation in the larger diameter caissons. By virtue of this, there is a tendency for this relaxation and inward movement of the bedrock to increase normal pressures against the concrete and therefore promote a...
Thank you Erdbau and ishvaaag. Interesting note...In the Micropile Design and Construction Guidelines, they recommend that a factor of safety of 2.5 be applied to grout/bedrock bonding strengths. By contrast, the Drilled Shaft Manual published by the US DOT for caissons indicates that for a...
I have been asked by a designer to provide recommendations for drilled micropiles to resist both compressive and uplift loading. The piles will be drilled into bedrock. I am looking for a resource (manual, etc.) that addresses grout/bedrock bond strenths, etc. Can anyone provide assistance...
Is there a rational method to account for the presence of steel H-Piles along the top of a slope (or mid-slope where a multi-tiered wall system is proposed)when analysing slope stability.