Thanks for the advice everyone. Looks like this weekend will be the weekend for the project. I'll keep everyone posted as to the outcome. Too bad you van't post photos on this site.
OK, the only reason I asked about the gravel is I want to keep the swale at around 1%. I was thinking I could dig the trench at 2%, add a layer gravel and a layer of top soil to bring the top up to 1%. This way I would have a slight swale across the top and if the swale pitch wasn't steep...
Okay everyone it seems I'll need the swale. One final question before I start. Do I need to put a bed of gravel under the swale below the top soil (no drain tile or pipeing)? I've read on several web sites that this is prefered.
Dagface, at this point in time I've regraded the area near the house foundation, so that the ground slopes away from the house. I still see some small spots about 5 inches in diamater on one wall, but it's no way near the way it was before I re-graded the soil. I would have an inch of water in...
Okay everyone, once again thanks for all the great advice. At this time I'm prepareing to start the swale. I figured swale first, and if that dosen't help, I'll go with the frech drain. I'll keep everyone posted as to my progress. Thanks agin for the great and comprehensive advice
Okay the swale sounds good to me as well. My only concern is that I've read the swale should have the same pitch as a french drain 2% per foot, over 70 feet that comes out to 17.5 inches which would be quite noticable. That's why I thought a french drain, being underground would be less...
Thanks for the great advice everyone. All my down spouts extend 3 feet past the foundation. Okay, at this time I want to try and solve this problem with the least invasive method. Since grading isn't a good option, I was leaning towards the swale french drain option. focht3 you stated I...
when you say shallow swale what dimensions are you suggesting? Also, when constructing a french drain, is it best to leave gravel exposed or would putting top soil over the gravel affect the rate the water soaks? I am concerned about apearance as well as funtion. One last thing, considering...
Thanks for the advice again. I had entertained the grading option. The only problem with grading is that the soil around my home is already the lowest point in the yard, unfortunately I can't raise that level as the soil is up to the bottom of the basement windows, and if I raised the soil it...
Thanks for the advice. As far as the discharge area of the swale, it would discharge into a public street and should not affect any neighbors. The hill that will be feeding the swale is approx 500 squre feet on a 30 degree incline.
Hi, I’m receiving water in my basement after a heavy rain. My property borders up to a
large hill. I’ve read several places that a swale or outside French drain could help my
problem. Here are my questions?
1. Which is best swale or outside French drain?
2. I’ve read that a swale should...
Thanks for the advice. So I take it you consider the swale the best bet. As far as having somewhere for the water to run, I had planned on poking the drain tile out the side of the hill at the edge of my property that borders the public stret. Any advice on what would be the swale dimensions...
Hi, I’m receiving water in my basement after a heavy rain. My property borders up to a
large hill. I’ve read several places that a swale or outside French drain could help my
problem. Here are my questions?
1. Which is best swale or outside French drain?
2. I’ve read that a swale should...