Thanks, for the response. But, I suppose I wasn't quite as clear with my descripition as I should have been. Basically, I want to take the deformed geometry from part of my analysis and use it in a different analysis. It's the shape that I'm interested in. Is this something that can be done...
I have a general question on using ANSYS. Is it possible to save a deformed shape and then use that new shape in new subsequent analyses? If it is could someone walk me through the basics of it. Thanks.
I'm trying to run a FSI analysis. But, a couple of my fluid areas will not morph/remesh around the deformed solid. I was hoping someone could give me some good tips on how to ensure that an area will morph. Thanks.
When you perform a FSI analysis by the Sequential Weak Coupling Analysis method (flagging FSI, and setting the number of stagger iterations, etc) rather than specifying physics environments is ANSYS supposed to conform the fluid flow to the deformed shape? From what I've read it seems like it...
So, I get the correct solution when I use inches for units, and change the reference conditions accordingly. But, it won't solve with the same geometry and boundary conditions if I just use the equivalent meter lengths. It seems like I'm just missing some fine point here.
I am running a fairly simple 2D FLOTRAN analysis, and ANSYS keeps giving me an error when I run FLOTRAN saying that the "Coefficient Matrix has a negative diagonal." I've solved this same problem previously last week without any problems. But, since then I have not been able to get a...
I was wondering if anyone knew of any good tutorials on Fluid-Solid interactions. I have found a couple, but they are both in batch/command form, and are poorly commented. I would prefer one that used the GUI, but a well documented batch/command tuturial should work as well. Thanks.