The regs don't specify a particular 6 hour time period in the storm and the simple calculation doesn't take into account the hydrograph, storage, anything. We are having a hard time digesting this comment as well. In the end, the infiltration volume computed with the six hour period is isolated...
Pennsylvania - PADEP BMP Manual. The 6 hour time period is buried in an example, but it was recently brought to our attention that the infiltration volume calculation should be infiltration rate * infiltration area * infiltration period (assume 6 hours) * (1/12 ft/in) (PADEP BMP Manual Appendix...
Thanks psmart! The theory of the 6 hour limitation is that the soil would reach saturation after this amount of time and the infiltration rate is reduced. I was hopeful that we could get the discarded value to be equal or close to the 6 hr calc.
Hi All!!
Is there a way to exfiltrate a volume from the pond routing instead of the given parameters (conductivity, flow and velocity)?
Background: We have computed our net runoff volume that needs to be infiltrated in our ponds. The volume reduction is limited to 6 hours of infiltration...