2 face plates (different thicknesses; 24mm and 28mm) of same longitudinal are butt joint, and the joint is ground flush.
Fatigue point of view; what are the consequences? My perception suggests that it is always reccomended to have a proper welding geometry (i.e. max 3mm depth of welding...
Info you need is attached. (pls see 3.7 Positioning)
Just a quick note; I agree with Mr168.
strider6; Tech. details can be found in the following link (see pg. 42, right column) to back it up.
Thank you all!
Eventhough we sometimes reccomend to have a convexity at fillet welds to eleminate the high strain which may lead to long'l cracks that might occur during cooling down, it has a certain limit in ISO 5817 but there is no defined limit or any other info at the same source for the concavity.