hello to all my friends pls. help me how do i model rib slab and solid slab in etabs? membrane? shell or plate? im a noob when it comes to structural concerns.. i need to learn but i have a hard time for this. my only mentor for now is eng-tips.com and you all guys. [ponder]
Am I qualified to be a structural engr? I have a 6yrs. experienced in actual sites form concrete precast-erection to cast in place sites
inspection. Im just starting only a year working in office works like detailing and designing for structural concerns. say =) I am 6/10 for ETABS
and SAFE...
i am civil engineer but im not a structural engineer. does a civil engineer really knows and always ready for this kind of challenge when it comes to the structural designing?
Am I qualified to be a structural engr? I have a 6yrs. experienced in actual sites form concrete precast-erection to cast in place sites
inspection. Im just starting only a year working in office works like detailing and designing for structural concerns. say =) I am 6/10 for ETABS
and SAFE...