Thanks for the detailed data/links. I spoke to the lead framer today... because the underside of the floor is still exposed, he volunteered to add blocking.
boo1: thanks for rechecking the numbers about creep. From your calculations, will additional wood flooring work as well as the 2x8s you suggested I use?
PEInc: The flooring system (joists) was designed to support the weight of a table/theater. If our floor guy installs wood beneath the...
As a follow-up, I could place circular disks (or squares) under each leg, but on top of the carpet. Each disk would be the same material I specified earlier as 9/16" thick. How large (in square inches) must each disk be to help transfer the load?
PEinc, thanks for responding... and yes, my concern is the flexing of the subfloor panels.
My gameroom will have a billiards table and a home theater, and I need carpet and pad for acoustics. Options:
1. Lay a section (9/16" thickness engineered wood flooring) directly under the table, and...
First post (be gentle!)...
We will place our pool table (1300 lbs.) on the second floor. Subfloor is Advantech OSB 3/4" T&G with joists 24" OC. Flooring is carpet/pad. We have extra girders in the floor system to provide extra support because we knew we'd have a table on the 2nd floor...