Thanks for the quick replay. Model still is missing a piece. I have a horizontal orifice in the same Pond Node as my Leaching Pits. My Orifice is 24" x 24" with an Invert Elevation at grade. I have the node routed to another pond located 50' away that is 3' below orifice invert. Keep getting...
Another quick question. How would I want to model a Grate on top of a set of Leaching Pits? The grate is going to be used for an emergency overflow and will bubble over into an existing lawn area.
Hi new to Hydrocad. I'm trying to model a Infiltration Pond/Basin with an exfiltration rate of 2.41, and also a Leach Pit for a wick at the bottom of the basin with an exfiltration rate of 8.27. Didn't know if I could associate 2 different exfiltration rates in the same Pond Node. Trying to...