The basic difference is that RAS (Return Activated Sludge) is thicker than the Mixed Liquor in the activated sludge lanes. (RAS is drawn from the bottom of the final tanks and as such has thickened up. Often approx. 2x as concentrated).
The lanes could be controlled either way but the...
Sorry, everybody speaks in acronyms around here!
CAPS is chemically aided primary settlement and we tend to use Ferric. The 30 mg/l SS limit was chosen to comply with a governmental guidance note for UV disinfection.
I'd be interested in the name of that book.
The plant will be treating about 1000 l/s up to a SS of 30 mg/l.
The transfer line is going to be about 8km - including outfall.
We are using CAPS in our Primarys.
Have talked to WEDECO - who are being helpful but are away looking at info.
I am currently looking at the potential for siting a wastewater treatment works, containing secondary treatment and UV disinfection, inland and discharging the final effluent through a long sea outfall about 5km away. The disinfected final effluent will be transferred along a transfer main...