Thank you, JStephen.
That helps a lot.
So I only design anchors for Wind Load [Pwe * D² * 785 + (4*Mwh/D)-W2], because I start with a clear "no" in Figure F-1? That would make sense to me.
I am designing a tank with no internal pressure, H = 10m, D = 8m.
Due to the Overturning Wind - Moment, it needs to be anchored.
For calculating the Maximum Design Pressure which is needed to get the right Uplift Force, "A = area resisting the compressive force, as illustrated in Figure...
Thanks for your patience :)
So what you're telling me is that with equation 4B (or 4A) it's possible to find out how big the flow on a given Area (and Pressure) can be.
=> with my mouth open that wide and a certain pressure that much air will flow, right?
So what I need to know then, is how to...
But somehow it cannot be correct.
The Designer determined Inbreathing with P1 only a very little smaller than P2 => The required A gets infenitly big...?
Well, propably you're not missing anything and I or better the tank designer uses the wrong equation.
The designer uses that equation in connection with outbreathing and inbreathing requirements. I understood him in that way, that he calculates an area A that is the required area for...
i am a german engineer and my actual challenge is to check a design for a storage tank in Dubai.
The designer of the tank uses equation 4B of API 2000 to calculate the required minimum flow area of device.
Nm³/h = 12503 P1 A sqrt{ K / (MTZ*(K-1)) *[(P2/P1)^(2/k) – (P2/P1)^((k+1)/k)]}...