Thank you Laffalot (by the way, is that your name or you Laugh_a_lot ?) I could download those pdfs. The variable capacitance multiplier of lm310.pdf may be just the thing I was looking for. I hope Capacitor C1 could be treated as a floating capacitor and included in the feedback circuit of the...
Thank you guys
Varacter diodes I ruled out because of too low a capacitance value
With analog switches I can only select a range but i can't continuosly vary the integral gain within that range.
I had long ago built a capacitance multiplier. The miller capacitance effect which is normally a...
I have to adjust the integral gain of a PID controller. One would normally use a capacitor decade box externally and select the optimum capacitor value for stable operation and solder that value ultimately.
In my case, I have to use a microcontroller to automatically tune and stabilise the...