The monolithic footing, or turned down slab edge, is primarily a means of terminating the slab pour without have the masonry crew show up to lay two courses of block (in Florida where we have no frost line). This type of foundation can typically support a one-story residential structure...
I'm not sure if you are going mild-reinforced or post-tensioned on the silos. If it is P/T, VSL has some good details for raidial post-tensioned silos, and they are always a good technical reference.
These types of arches are used in the fertilizer industry to store raw phosphate. Several years ago, a CSX Rockport phosphate terminal in Tampa was struck by lightening and we did the analysis and repair design for the wood arches. The arches were 190' clear span with a rise of 85' at the...
Your concept or continuing the banded strands along the axis of the wall is correct. Think of it as a long column and keept the strand pattern as if it were passing through a column.
I recommend keeping the strand pattern at the same height until you are clear the support. When checking the...