I’m putting together a circuit that uses a digital waveform generator that is supplied by +5V, GND, and -5V. I've fed this output into an OP-Amp that then attenuates the +/- 2.5 Vpp output to approximately 1 Vpp.
This works fine using a PIC to set the frequency, and I can see the...
Thanks again for the link. This is quite the helpful forum. Yes – I would definitely be interested in discussing details of your idea. It sounds very interesting (as long as the DC motor magnetic emissions don’t have a discernable affect on the emissions of the device). Should I give you...
In this arena, I think it's better to examine the hardware platform first, and then determine the development environments.
Basic Stamp: (
Upside: it's easy to program and they have tons of samples and good support. Great beginner environment. Also good for quick proof...
Warpspeed: "the normal polyester amide coating" - wow , sounds like you've done this before. I suppose Home Depot doesn't sell this stuff :-)... Thanks again.
itsmoked: Thanks. I understand that Ampere-Turns is proportional to magnetic field strngth. I guess what I don't understand is why...
itsmoked: Thanks for the link; I didn't know that forced convection heatsinks existed (at least the type on the page you suggested); very interesting. Also - I didn't understand your comment "Increasing the voltage?? That reduces the amp-turns." At a particular Z & frequency wouldn't an...
Run the Task Manager (ctrl-alt-del in XP). Choose the "performance" tab and look at two values:
1) Under “Physical Memory”, is the "Total" value showing 384MB? If not, reseat the RAM in the socket and try again.
2) Under the "Commit Charge" look at the "Limit" value. The upper limit...
Thanks for your reply.
The batteries are necessary for particular medical reasons (mains isolation and portability in the field) and could be a second box/module if need be. I'm using 34 AWG magnet wire. I tried 28 gauge wire previously, but couldn't get enough turns on the forms I was...
I'm trying to create a magnetic coil using AC that emits magnetic radiation . This design is somewhat opposite to most magnetic circuits that attempt to keep the magnetic radiation within (e.g. a transformer). The closest analogy I can think of is the use deflection coils used in a TV, or...