I'm looking for this publication:
Hammit, G.M. (1970). Thickness requirements for unsurfaced roads and airfields, bare base support. US Army Waterways Reasearch Station. Vicksburg. TR2-70-5
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm looking for some publications about designing working platforms. I'll be really grateful if anybody who has Jewell's "Soil reinforcement with geotextiles", could send me list of References from this publication.
Thank you for your help dgillette.
I need to test a failure mechanism in working platform (I enclose a sketch of it from working platform guide) with geosynthetic reinforcement and now I’m planning a preparing. I don’t have money to carry out tests right now, but if I’ll have some good plan...
I’m looking for some material to simulate a soft ground like soft clay or peat. I need to do some laboratory tests of working platform. I have 2 laboratory stands – wooden chest and the other one, smaller made of glass. I’ll be really thankful for some ideas.
Hi dgillette,
Thanks again.I must think over what you've write.
I have results form oedometric test, triaxial shear test and particle-size analysis.
It seems that the oedometric test was made without rebound, but I must ask a person who has done it.
Sorry about MES. I was too fast and write...
Thank you both for your replies.
I need OCR to calculate a parameter for Soft Soil Model i Plaxis. I'm writing a diploma about working platforms and I need some calculations in MES. But I have a problem with one parameter - modified swelling index (kappa*).
I want to use an equation 6...
I'm desperately searching some method to estiamte value of OCR by using any other soil parameter as undrained shear strength, effective shear strength, angle of shearing resistance, effective angle of shearing resistance etc.